Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Make Every Day Count - Don't Count the Days

Do you count the days until the weekend? Until payday? I have done that many times in my life but, this year, I have resolved not to do that. Instead, I have decided to make every day count and to write in my journal all the ways in which I made the day count. So far, I have found:

  • I feel more positive during the day as I look for different ways to make the day count (e.g. can I help somone, can I do a task that I've been putting off, etc)
  • Many of the ways in which I make the day count are small things (e.g. having a nice chat with a friend, enjoying a slice of cake and a cup of tea). However, this doesn't mean that they don't count. Anything that helps you to enjoy your life, grow as person or to focus on the positive DOES count.
That's what I've learned so far. Every day provides us with a new opportunity to live life a bit differently, to be more positive, and ultimately to improve our lives. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

A New Year means a new start! No matter what your past has been like, this year can be different. Let go of the past, leave the past behind, and move forward into a new year.

I have just one resolution - to take care of myself better. This doesn't mean being selfish but it does mean placing more of a priority on looking after my physical and mental health so that I can look after other people better.

Wishing everyone all the best for a very happy, healthy and successful 2015! Let's enjoy the ride!!